Providing fast fingerprint-based Criminal History Checks
If you feel this vibes, get it done with us right now!
Services for all criminal, non-criminal purposes and for obtaining police clearance from foreign countries

AJOC International Inc has successfully completed the Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services (CCRTIS) Accreditation process
, which authorizes our company to take and submit civil fingerprints electronically for Criminal Record verification to the Real Time Identification (RTID) system.
The CCRTIS Accreditation program assesses the security and administrative operations of private fingerprinting companies that intend to take fingerprints for non-criminal purposes. Upon completion of the process, periodic auditing measures may be conducted to ensure that our company continues to process civil fingerprints in accordance with CCRTIS Accreditation Policy.
Services we offer

Digital Fingerprinting

Ink & Roll Fingerprinting
Schedule Your Fingerprinting With Us TODAY!
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Printed & Sealed


Education/Credential Verification

Canada Post
ID Verification
Application for immigration to Canada or other countries ⦁ Application for Canadian citizenship ⦁ Employment – Federal, Provincial, Municipal, Private Industry and Canadian Police Forces ⦁ Adoptions – Canadian and International ⦁ Foreign Travel – US Waiver, Visa and Border Crossing ⦁ Pardon Applications ⦁ Fingerprinting for Government Contracts and Licenses ⦁ Name Change Applications ⦁ Volunteer Work ⦁ To obtain a copy of pardoned criminal record ⦁ All other non-criminal purposes ⦁ Vulnerable Check ⦁ Police Clearance for Professional DesignationWe can help you with your Philippine – NBI Clearance and PSA Documents, Hongkong – Police Clearance
Schedule your fingerprinting with us today
Equipped with the latest biometric equipment to take high quality electronic digital laser scanned fingerprints and submit them directly to the RCMP Civil Fingerprint Screening Services division.⸻ IMPORTANT!
What to bring during the appointment:
You must provide 2 pieces of valid government issued identification, at least one of which must be photo ID.Types of Identification are acceptable:
- Passport
- Driver’s License
- Birth Certificate
- Canadian Citizenship Card or Certificate
- Permanent Resident Card
- Certificate of Indian Status
- Immigration Documents (Study, Work, Visitor Record and Landing Paper)
- Military Family ID
- Nexus Card
- Federal Government Employee ID
- Firearms Possession and Acquisition License (PAL)
- Provincial Health Card